Who we are
GK Builders, Our website address is: https://gkbuilders-developers.com.
In the span of 30 year we executed various projects in Government, Public, Corporate and private sectors of different types i.e. Factory building, residential buildings, school buildings, commercial bld., interior works, road works, farm houses and hotel industry including civil, steel structural, PEB, Plumbing, Electrical and Interior works. We make efforts to build long lasting relationship with our clients.
GK Builders ethics policy reflects the high standard of business conduct representing what is the hallmark of our organization. Our Ethics Policy helps define our commitment to support a culture of openness, trust and integrity in all we do.
We are committed to conducting all of GK Builders ‘s affairs and activities with the highest standards of ethical conduct. All of us have an obligation to adhere to this policy and encourage others to do the same.
We are passionate about working with all of our customers. We must dedicate ourselves to pursuing our mission with honesty, fairness and respect for the individual, ever mindful that there is no “right way” to do the “wrong thing.”
The Ethics Policy helps clarify our standard of conduct. It makes clear that Sr Infra expects team to understand the ethical considerations associated with their actions. Our Ethics Policy affirms our long standing commitment to not merely obey the law, but also to conduct our business with integrity and without deception.
GK Builders ’s reputation for integrity and honesty is more important today than ever before. As we think of “what we do” at GK Builders and “how we do it,” always remember our responsibility to ask ourselves: “Am I doing the ‘right thing’ for the ‘right reason‘?”
GK Builders code of ethics
The summary code of ethics includes the following provisions:
Proactively promote ethical behavior as a responsible partner among peers in the work environment. Deal fairly with all Customers, suppliers, competitors.
Provide constituents with information that is accurate, completely objective, relevant, timely, and understandable. Comply with applicable government laws, rules and regulations.
Maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by the GK Builders or its Customers except when authorized or otherwise legally obligated to disclose.
Accept responsibility for preventing, detecting, and reporting all manner of fraud.
Be honest and ethical in their conduct, including ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships.
Protect and ensure the proper use of company assets.
Prohibit improper or fraudulent influence over the External Auditor.
The purpose for this ethics policy is to support a culture of openness, trust, and integrity in all GK Builders management and our team and client.
We are committed to conducting all of the GK Builders affairs and activities with the highest standards of ethical conduct. The GK Builders Code of Conduct in the Human Resources Policy Manual provides guidance for decisions and actions during our daily work.
We are committed to the responsible use of GK Builders assets; to provide accurate, complete and objective information; to respect the confidentiality of financial and other information; to act in good faith and exercise due care in all we do; to comply with all rules and regulations, and to proactively promote ethical behavior.
The GK Builders Ethics are built on the SR Infra Guiding Values. As such, we acknowledge our individual responsibility to ensure our collective success by practicing and promoting the following values which reflect a shared view of how we want to operate and be seen by others.